Monday, March 3, 2008

Ahhhh, Sun...

What the hell is that shiny thing outside in the sky? It hurts my eyes.
Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday. I wish I could say it was a magical evening, but truth-be-told, it was just another exhibit. I'm not ungrateful for the opportunity or anything, it's just that the effort that goes into creating a body of work, the endless hours, the expense, the emotional ups and downs...It's just that the four hours that people are invited to come view the results of your labor doesn't even come close to a payoff. It never will. So it will take me a few days/weeks before I remember why I paint pictures in the first place.
For today though, I will do crafts for my real job and walk my dog...oh, and maybe kick the virtual s#!t out of some ogres.


takewrning said...

Showing work is so stressful!
Especially since I have to change everything up until the very end, then would run back into the house a few times to change. A few times I was so crazy, I shouldnt have driven myself to them, and then would drink too much at them.
Although sometimes I get envious and want to show again, it's much safer for everyone if I just enjoy other's

Alissa said...

The sun was bliss today. Your show was bliss, too. I love the work! You are my hero!

Anonymous said...

It looked like a lot of work. A lot of beautiful, soul-sucking work for you. So much beautiful fun for us, though.

Anonymous said...

i feel that pain. it's the day after the wedding, christmas,graduation, your first pole dance, and all those glorious firsts combined.

my house party said...

stop whining, you know it was H.O.T.!

Anonymous said...

well I wish I would have seen it and felt the energy of it.

Most days are a grind for any kind of work and the payoff is nil, but it's like bowling Sharon ~ sometimes, once in awhile, you get a strike and it brings you back round to why you put on the multi-colored shoes in the first place.