Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Resolution Post

Daaaaang. So it's been a while, right? I don't think the problem is that I'm too busy. I sincerely think you can do as much stuff as you want/need with adequate time management skills. That being said...
#1 Seriously consider the importance of time management.
My goal is to spend as much time this year at the studio or at least somewhere making art. The more time I spend "making" the saner I feel. Which leads to...
#2 Make WAY more things.
Not only do I enjoy it, but dawg, we need the funds, and I can't think of a better way to earn some dough. Soooo on to...
#3 Find more outlets to sell some work.
I've been fortunate to meet some amaaaaaaazing folks this past year who have convinced me that normal people actually like dark themed art. Who knew? Some of them even have disposable income. I know, CRAZY!
Here's some more...
#4 Stop getting sick.
Unfortunately, I'm sick yet again. My diet has consided of mainly "Christmas" for the past few weeks though, so perhaps...
#4 Eat better so I stay healthier.
...makes more sense. I can already predict failure here.
And finally...
#5 Trust that everything will work out somehow.
I think we should teach a course in "creative economics" or maybe "what all can you make with a bag of potatoes?". But seriously, even though we do this urban thing pretty well, it can be scary, and sometimes I forget that we've always had enough to eat and a place to sleep, and because of that I'm adding one more...
#6 Reflect often on how blessed we are.

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list babe! Good luck, looking forward to an amazing new year!