Thursday, March 11, 2010

No More Chatter

Yes, the rumors are true. Yes, we are still friends. Yes, I want you to keep eating Rad Dog (baby daddy needs to support my kids).

No, I don't want to talk about it, but YES, you can buy me a drink or come over with a bottle of wine.

And yes, I plan to hire a pool boy.

As soon as I get the pool...


Abby said...

I will bring you beer AND wine. Because that's how much I care. Hugs.

Alissa said...

I'll buy you PBR, and even drink it with you. That's how much I love you.

Alissa said...


my house party said...

and then I want the pool boy to buys us all drinks...after he builds the pool..and a floating device with a cup holder.

Wendy said...

I'll buy you a drink. Or a bottle of wine. Or both. xoxo

Stephanie said...

I'll buy you anything you want...except that pony you always ask me about. I love you.

julie s. said...

me too! i love you too!

Amy Phillips-Gary said...

I'll come swim in your pool & admire your pool boy... Love you! Amy

Laura G said...

I will do all of the above and buy you dinner must EAT!! I love you. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hell I'll get you a pool AND a cabana boy. No need to limit yourself.

Love you!

The Naked Redhead said...

I think you are brave and would love to share a beer with you.

Erin said...

Um, you don't know me, but... if you're talking about what I think you are, I went through the same thing this past year. I can't drink wine because of my annoying sulfite allergy, but I like vodka. Do you?

derekstewart said...

Wow, I just read this. Kinda shocked but glad to hear you guys are still friends.

P.S We should totally get a beer sometime!

Catherine Bell Smith said...

pool, pool boy, beer, wine, vodka...soooo tempting.